Find Trending Products & Opportunities to Grow Your DTC Brand

Find Trending Topics

Growing a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brand requires staying ahead of market trends and understanding what products are capturing consumer interest. Leveraging search trends can help you identify emerging products and capitalize on them before your competitors do. This guide will walk you through several tools and strategies to find trending products and boost your DTC brand’s growth.

Utilize Your Site Search Bar

Your site’s search bar is a valuable resource for discovering what your customers are looking for. About one in three visitors will use the search bar, and those who do are more likely to convert. Here’s how you can use it to your advantage:

  • Optimize the Search Bar: Ensure your search bar is easy to find and use. A well-placed search bar encourages visitors to use it, making it easier for them to find what they need. This can lead to higher conversion rates as customers quickly find the products they are looking for. For instance, placing the search bar at the top center of your homepage with a prominent design can make it more accessible.
  • Analyze Search Data: Use tools like Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to monitor and analyze search queries. Look for patterns and spikes in search terms that could indicate trending products. For instance, if you notice a sudden increase in searches for “eco-friendly products,” it could signify a growing interest in sustainable items. Analyzing this data regularly can help you stay on top of emerging trends.
  • Set Alerts: Set up alerts in GA4 for sudden increases in specific search terms to quickly react to new trends. This proactive approach ensures you can stock up on trending products before they become mainstream, giving you a competitive edge. For example, setting up alerts for terms like “vegan skincare” or “smart home devices” can help you respond quickly to changing consumer preferences.
  • By leveraging the data from your site search bar, you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ preferences and spot emerging trends early. This information can guide your inventory decisions, marketing strategies, and overall business growth. Additionally, conducting regular reviews of the search data can help you refine your product offerings and improve customer satisfaction.

Discover Emerging Trends with Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics is a powerful tool for identifying new and emerging search terms that indicate trending products. Here’s how to use it:

  • Sign Up for Exploding Topics: Start by creating an account. This will give you access to their full suite of features and the ability to track trends in various categories. The platform provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to explore different topics.
  • Monitor Categories: Choose relevant categories that align with your product offerings. For example, if you sell beauty products, monitor categories like skincare, makeup, and haircare to stay updated on the latest trends in those areas. Regularly checking these categories can help you identify new opportunities for product development.
  • Analyze Trends: Look for terms with significant growth in search volume over time. Exploding Topics provides data on how search volumes for specific terms have increased, helping you identify potential trends before they peak. For instance, noticing a spike in searches for “collagen supplements” might prompt you to explore this product category.
  • Act Quickly: Once you identify a trending term, incorporate it into your product strategy, marketing campaigns, and SEO efforts. For example, if “vegan skincare” is trending, consider adding vegan products to your inventory and creating content around vegan skincare benefits.

Using Exploding Topics allows you to stay ahead of the curve and adapt your business strategy based on real-time data. This proactive approach can help you capture market share and increase your brand’s visibility.

Chart from Exploding Topics that shows how to Find Trending Products and reads 'We hep companies find exploding trends before they take off'

Leverage In-Platform Searches with

Platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest are becoming essential for product discovery. helps you track searches within these platforms:

  • Track In-Platform Searches: Use to gather data on what users are searching for within these apps. This tool provides insights into popular search terms on platforms where consumers are increasingly discovering new products. For example, tracking searches on TikTok can help you identify viral trends early.
  • Optimize Content: Create content that aligns with these search terms to attract more traffic. For example, if “DIY home decor” is trending on Pinterest, create blog posts, videos, or social media content that addresses this topic. Ensure your content is engaging and provides value to your audience.
  • Expand Reach: Use these insights to expand your reach on multiple platforms, driving more traffic to your site. Cross-platform promotion can amplify your message and attract a broader audience. For instance, creating complementary content for YouTube and TikTok can help you reach different segments of your audience. enables you to tap into the search behaviors of users on various platforms, helping you create content that resonates with your target audience. By aligning your content strategy with trending search terms, you can drive more traffic to your site and increase conversions.

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Stay Updated with Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that provides insights into the popularity of search terms over time. It helps you understand the current interest in various topics and identify emerging trends. Here’s how to use it:

  • Access Google Trends: Go to the Google Trends website to get started. The platform is free to use and provides a wealth of data on search trends.
  • Explore Trending Searches: Use the “Trending Searches” feature to see what people are currently searching for. This can give you real-time data on popular topics. For example, tracking trending searches can help you identify seasonal trends that could affect your product offerings.
  • Analyze Search Volume: Enter specific keywords related to your products to see their search volume over time. This helps you identify whether interest in these keywords is growing or declining. For example, tracking the search volume for “organic skincare” can help you gauge consumer interest in this product category.
  • Compare Keywords: Use the comparison feature to analyze multiple keywords simultaneously. This can help you determine which terms are more popular and worth targeting in your marketing efforts. For instance, comparing “eco-friendly products” and “sustainable products” can help you decide which term to focus on in your SEO strategy.

Google Trends is an invaluable tool for staying updated with the latest search trends. By regularly monitoring this tool, you can ensure your DTC brand remains relevant and capitalizes on emerging product opportunities. Additionally, using Google Trends can help you identify geographic trends, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies to specific regions.

Google Trends Dashboard

Utilize AnswerThePublic for Content Ideas

AnswerThePublic is a tool that provides a wealth of information on what questions and queries people have about various topics. This can be particularly useful for generating content ideas and understanding customer intent. Here’s how to use it:

  • Search for Keywords: Enter a keyword related to your product or industry into AnswerThePublic. The tool will generate a visual map of questions, prepositions, and comparisons related to the keyword. For example, entering “natural skincare” might generate questions like “What are the benefits of natural skincare?” or “How to choose natural skincare products?”
  • Identify Common Questions: Look at the most frequently asked questions to understand what your potential customers are interested in. This can help you create content that addresses these queries directly. For instance, if you notice many questions about “how to use essential oils,” you can create a comprehensive guide on this topic.
  • Generate Content Ideas: Use the information from AnswerThePublic to generate blog post ideas, video content, social media posts, and more. By answering the questions your customers are asking, you can attract more traffic and provide valuable information. For example, creating a series of blog posts addressing common skincare questions can help you build trust with your audience.

Using AnswerThePublic helps you understand customer intent and generate relevant content that meets their needs. This can improve your SEO and drive more organic traffic to your site. Additionally, addressing frequently asked questions can position your brand as an authority in your industry.

Answer the Public Dashboard


Staying ahead of trends is crucial for the growth of your DTC brand. By utilizing your site search bar, and leveraging tools like Exploding Topics,, and Google Trends, you can effectively spot and capitalize on trending products. Implement these strategies to ensure your brand remains competitive and continues to grow.

For further details and practical insights, consider exploring other E-Commerce posts provided by our Blog.

Author: Allen Kaplun
Allen Kaplun is a dynamic entrepreneur and business leader based in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, renowned for his contributions to distribution and technology. He co-founded GreenDropShip in 2017 with his wife, Irina Faybusovich, to provide a comprehensive dropshipping supplier offering natural, organic, gourmet, and specialty products. GreenDropShip has since grown to offer over 20,000 products across multiple fulfillment centers in the U.S. With a background in grocery e-commerce since 2012, Kaplun launched GDS Platforms to introduce established international brands to the U.S. market. Trained by SEO expert Bruce Clay, Kaplun excels in SEO and e-commerce marketing, driving growth and optimizing online sales channels​.