Wholesale Cleaning Supplies: Natural Products To Sell To Moms

Mom with daughter

Why Organic Wholesale Cleaning Supplies Are A Godsend For Moms

Why feature organic wholesale cleaning supplies among your products? Well for starters, households with small children love them. It’s also no secret that eco-friendly cleaning products have made a big splash among consumers.

Thing is, when consumers purchase cleaning products they expect them to clean. However, many commercial cleaning products are just out and out toxic. Even worse, children can swallow or spill cleaners either left open or stored away.

This is why organic wholesale cleaning supplies can be a huge addition to your business. Parents today tend to reexamine a lot of things in regards to their household. Child safety is paramount. Another concern is environmental impact. As consumers become more informed about the dangers of pollution, they seek products that are gentle on the world around them.

The Problem With Commercial Cleaning Supplies

As a reseller, you can help with these kinds of concerns with natural wholesale cleaning supplies. Many moms once starting a family drastically change the kind of cleaning products they use. And for good reason. A large percentage of commercial cleaning products are responsible for toxic exposure to children.

The most dangerous among them are products such as corrosive drain cleaners, oven cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners. These chemicals cause severe burns to the eyes and skin. If swallowed they burn the lining of a child’s esophagus. In some instances ingestion of these chemicals can prove fatal. The dangers are real.

Organic Wholesale Cleaning Supplies: Moms Want You

Organic cleaning products are typically devoid of these kinds of chemicals. Most are made with both child safety and environmental concerns in mind. Getting back to moms, there’s tons of social media exchanges between mothers regarding safe products to use in the home. Additionally, blogs and forums are filled with these kinds of questions and advice on what to purchase.

Moms are looking for you and your organic wholesale cleaning supplies. And it’s no wonder that eco-friendly cleaning products are leading the market. According to Reports N Reports, organic and natural cleaning supplies have gained fast traction in the marketplace globally.

Major brands are starting to get in on the act and even focusing on e-commerce to push their products. But as a reseller with affordable and quality natural cleaning supplies you’ve still got the upper-hand. By speaking directly to your customers about green and eco-friendly cleaning options, you’ll create a loyal customer base in no time.

Keep in mind the four main categories for cleaning products are:

  • Surface Cleaners
  • Dishwashing Products
  • Toilet Cleaner
  • Other Cleaning Agents

These are the products most moms are seeking in the eco-friendly market sector. Laundry detergent is another. You also want to be sure the brands you sell adhere to the following:

  • Disclose ingredients (though natural and organic cleaning products are not required to to do this.)
  • Contain plant-based ingredients.
  • Biodegradable.
  • No artificial colors or fragrances.

Carrying eco-friendly cleaning products on your website is more than just selling green products. You’re helping to make homes safe and toxic free. We offer a wide  variety of wholesale cleaning products. Download our catalog and see just how we can help your business grow and make the world chemical free. Moms will love it.